Suffering in silence : Standards and Goverance affect on velocity


Scott Griffiths / July 15, 2020

1 min read

Container Checks


Templated applications and pipelines that validate system, environment and application functionality. Dogfooding at its finest (Bon appetite)

What Are We Trying to Accomplish#

The expectation here is that you can build and deploy sample applications on demand to your various environments (Dev, UAT, Prod)

This has number of benefits:

  • Standardised deployment methods
  • Environment checks
  • Reusable patterns
  • Centralised development
  • Emphasis on cross team collaboration
  • Reducing the gap between code complete and deployment

This has a couple of benefits here by building sample applications based primary domain language

  1. You build in the patterns that you expect will be used by the teams consuming your services
  2. You can include and manage the templates
  3. Testing is build into the containers so is treated as a first class citizen

Expose endpoints to continually poll the above apps for service availability, FaaS is perfect for these one off tasks (functions or OpenFaaS)

  • The use of dgoss to confirm application deployment behaviour inside docker containers

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